
Showing posts from October, 2022

Sugar - Intake and Avoidance

Sugar intake and avoidance Health awareness in the new era has definitely taken a storm and while many of us are aware about the effects of sugar on health and reason for its avoidance, some people still need to figure this out. Sugar is one of the most important items on our grocery list and people don’t forget it. May it be a good morning tea or an evening shake, an occasion celebrating sweet or a celebration cake, sugar is all over in our diets. Even after being a necessity for our health plans and diet, intake of sugar should be in limit and control, as the impact of sugar consumption on health can be a matter of detailed discussion. How much sugar consumption is healthy ? A new guideline by the World Health Organization suggests that daily intake of sugar to be less than 10% of a person’s total energy intake. Guidelines suggest that maximum consumption by men can be 36g or about 9 teaspoons and by women can be 25g or about 5-6 teaspoons on a daily basis. It is controve

Importance of Green Vegetables

“Mom, I don’t like this vegetable, I won’t have it. Give me something else.” “It’s good for your health, be quiet and eat it.” Once in a while, we all have such silly arguments with our moms, but have you ever wondered why our parents want us to eat green vegetables? Why do they always demand that we eat healthy food instead of packaged junk? Let’s know today, we all have heard that green vegetables are healthy and important for a fit and disease-free lifestyle. Green vegetables, which are also called greens, green leafy vegetables or leafy greens, are the vegetables which are either edible plant leaves or the fruits of those green plants. While some of these vegetables can be eaten raw, some require cooking. A healthy lifestyle needs a balanced diet and good food. In today’s generation, many people are grappling with issues like poor health, poor digestion, weight management, obesity, extra fat, easy fatigue etc… The prime reason behind such issues is an imbal

Everything you need to know about PCOS

PCOS, while many of us have the idea about the syndrome, some people still treat PCOS as a disease. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) a condition that affects hormones in women’s body during the reproductive years. It is a condition in which ovaries produces an abnormal amount of hydrogen, male sex hormones that are usually present in women in small amounts.  In simple words, a condition in which a woman might not have periods very often or have periods that lasts longer than usual is PCOS. Various small sacs of fluid develop in the outer layer of the ovary with PCOS, which are called cysts. The reproductive hormones become imbalance with PCOS. The name “Polycystic” does not always mean that the women have cysts, some do not have cysts in PCOS while some women can develop cysts without PCOS. Symptoms of PCOS Some girls can notice the symptoms during the first menstrual period while some can develop it after having periods for a while. The common symptoms of PCOS are: • Irreg

Chia Seeds Recipes

Easy chia recipes The healthy, tasty and nutritious option for your breakfast, evening snacks, and even for your dessert, Chia seeds. Chia seeds are the edible seeds Salvia hispanica, a flowering plant in the mint family. Small size nutritional seeds include omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, iron and antioxidants. Despite being less flavourful, it can be a great option for smoothies, puddings, as sprinkles on top of salad, etc… Chia seeds contain nourishing health benefits such as • Get more fiber • Great source of nutrition such as calcium, iron, vitamin C and magnesium. • Stronger teeth and bones – Manganese help your bone and teeth getting essential nutrients like biotin and thiamin. • Belly fat – Chia helps in fighting belly fat and maintain a healthy body. • Protein – Complete package of protein of chia helps you get better sleep and a bowl of nutrition which can fill your hunger needs faster. 5 easy chia recipes Before we dig into the yu

Everyday Exercises for Weight Loss

Just like food, exercise is a crucial part of our daily lives. People relate exercise to weight loss. It is true exercise helps in weight loss, but it is not the only benefit of performing exercise daily.  Daily exercise can help improve your mood, body fitness and health, reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes, chronic diseases, and increases strength, stamina, etc... While today we are about to discuss the most common benefit of exercise, that is weight loss, we will know how many hours you need to devote to exercise for a perfect weight loss, what exercises you need to perform, and daily routine. How much time you need to devote while exercising daily? As a beginner, or if you haven’t worked in a while, completing all exercises for long periods won’t be possible for you. You need to start with 2-3 sets of each exercise for the first few days and increase the number of set in process. Seven everyday exercises for weight loss 1. Walk The simplest and ef