Copper water and it's benefits

Ayurveda never fails to surprise us, and sometimes, which is in ayurveda has been known for years, is at times our recent discoveries. 

More into more health and fitness, the new gen is adapting the benefits we receive from copper water. But what is copper water? Is it something we can buy from stores, or which is available at restaurants and cafe? 

The answer would be no, copper water is basically the water we store in copper containers or copper water bottles. The practice of storing and drinking water in a copper container brings out the best properties of copper into the water to make it beneficial and full of nutritious. 

What makes copper water beneficial?
Copper is an element which has its own benefits. It is a mineral your body needs to stay healthy. Although the body needs a minimal amount of copper to consume, it brings out a lot more advantages, Standard American diet suggests not to exceed 0.9mg of copper daily value to consume per day. 

Copper helps out the body to carry out functions like, providing energy, better brain chemical functioning, connective tissues, and blood vessels. 

Tests suggest storing water in copper vessels overnight or for 6-8 hours and to drink it empty stomach to reap out its maximum benefits. 

Benefits of drinking water from copper vessels
1. Anti-aging properties

Ageing is a natural process and when a solution to make it slower and better appears, it’s a win-win. Fine-lines, wrinkles, fragility appear as we age and copper includes antioxidants, which help to reduce such effects over our skin. Several skincare products are copper based, as it can fight off free radicals and make you look younger and fresh. 

2. Reduces the risk of cancer

Some of the major causes of cancer can be free radicals and its harmful effects, and copper having the right anti-oxidants helps to reduce the risk of cancer in the human body. 

3. Improves digestion

The minerals copper consists gets leached to water when stored in copper vessels and helps to kill the harmful bacteria in the stomach. With the reduction of bad bacteria, digestion improves. Drinking copper water with an empty stomach at morning can infuse more benefits to the body.

4. Prevents anemia

Copper helps in absorption of iron in the body by assisting breakdown of food to make hemoglobin and ensures that the iron is properly utilized in the required processes. Deficiency of iron can lead to anemia and thus consuming copper water can help to prevent anemia. 

5. Energies Brain functioning

Brain functions through various chemicals and electrical impulses between the nuerons. Copper helps these brain cells to communicate with each other and makes the brain stimulation strong.  

6. Happy heart

Copper helps to regulate blood pressure, minimize the risk of disease development, & strengthening the immune system, and proper functioning of the system of body makes your heart happy and healthy. 

7. Fights hypertension

We can balance bad cholesterol levels with the consumption of copper and can effectively beat hypertension. 

8. Beats thyroid

Copper is a mineral that controls the working of the thyroid gland and energizes the thyroid to prevent it from excretion. Copper infused water also helps to clear up throat congestion and also helps to treat hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. 

9. Healing properties

The anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties of copper helps to heal the wound in the body. Copper also assists in regeneration of body cells and to produce new skin in the cuts. 

10. Prevents strokes
Copper deficiency in the body can increase the risk of stroke and anti-convulsive properties of copper proves out to be an effective means to prevent strokes and seizures. 

Copper not only is healthy for the body but is also environment friendly as it is easy to recycle. It is a good conductor of heat and electricity and being easy to recycle it is one of the greenest metal. 

Fun fact – In earlier days, people started the practice of throwing copper coins in the water bodies to keep them pure and clean, Today people just use coins of other metals and throw them in the water with a belief of granting their wishes which is somehow a topic of debate. 

The bottom line, ancient cultures always bring the best and has known the benefits of copper for years. Infuse benefits of copper minerals in your body and adapt to copper water in your routine. 

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