6 effective exercises to lose belly fat

Belly fat, the unwanted and uninvited guest of our body that we all hate. The fat hanging out of the stomach making us feel like we are pregnant all the time (even the male's), is belly fat. In medical terms, the excess fat around the abdomen which develops over time is belly fat. 

While we tend to change our diet regime and daily routine to control the belly fat. The simplest addition we can make is to include some effective exercises to say goodbye to the unwanted fat. Today we will discuss 6 effective and simple exercise to reduce belly fat.

Before that, it is important to understand why reducing belly fat is important. There exists some health risk with excess belly fat, making this harmful for you, which are,

• Type 2 Diabetes

• High cholesterol

• Heart diseases

• High blood pressure

• Breathing problems 

Exercises to lose belly fat

1. Mountain climbers
Treat your floor like the mountain rocks, and climb it up, Just kidding. This is a fun exercise to lose belly fat effecting other body muscle workout at the same time. 

How to perform?
• Get your body in plan position for the start
• Place your hands on the floor wide apart
• Bring your knee towards your chest and then bring it back to plank
• Repeat this with both knees one-by-one
• Continue this for 10 times 

2. Leg raise
The simplest and effective exercise to lose your belly fat is leg raise. This is your workout without taking much time. You can perform this exercise while laying on your bed as well.

How to perform?
• Lie down on a mat and life your feet off the floor
• Raise your legs to a 90-degree angle and hold the position for 10 seconds before bringing them down
• Repeat this for 15 times for one set. Remember not to place your feet completely on the floor during the exercise.

3. Heel touch
For some, this seems to be an easy exercise, but for some, this can be painful. This exercise targets the upper abs and obliques. It also helps to increase the flexibility in the body.

How to perform?
• Lie down on a mat and keeping your feet apart
• Bent your knees and look straight at the ceiling, keeping your chin high
• Bend sideway and touch your right feet with right hand
• Repeat this for the left side and continue in alternatives

4. Russian twist
Probably most of you must be paying your trainer hitting this exercise in your gyms. Russian twist is an exercise which targets the upper abs, lower abs, obliques and glutes. 

How to perform?
• Lie down on a mat and life both your legs. Make sure to keep your knees flexed and lean back a bit.
• Lift up our head towards your knees and extend your arms bending at 90 degrees
• Join your palms or hold a ball for balance
• Rotate your upper body to the left and then to the right
• Repeat this for 12 times for one set

5. Burpees
This is that one exercise which helps you to lose belly fat, get your abs, keep you fit and provides you with a full-body workout at once. As this exercise is quite tough to perform, it is advisable to perform it with care and caution and not to overdo it. 

How to perform?
• Stand straight with your legs wide apart
• Bend your knees and sit such that, sending your hips back and your hands touch the ground (just like a frog)
• Push your legs back and get plank position
• Hop back to the frog position
• Jump such that your hands are wide and straight up in the air above your head and land on the floor straight
• Repeat this 8 times for one set

6. Jackknife

Despite the name being unique and difficult, the exercise is comparatively easy. This exercise targets lower abs, upper abs, quads, hamstrings and glutes. 

How to perform?
• Lie down on a mat and extend your hands straight over your head
• Lift your upper body with your hands extended. At the same time, lift your legs towards your stomach.
• Try touching your feet with your hands
• Get back to starting position and repeat this 12 times for one set
• Remember not to lie down your head on floor in between the repetitions

Bottom line
These exercises ensure low pain and does not overly exaggerate your body to reduce the belly fat. Just ensure you are taking breaks between different exercises. Belly fat reduction exercises can be simple and yet can show visible results with a span of time.


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