How to cure acidity at home?

Acidity is a common problem most of us face. But have we ever wondered what causes acidity? Let us know today that our stomachs have a natural acid to digest food and kill ingested bacteria. When the level of this acid exceeds the required level, it causes acid reflux. Acidity is caused by a condition in which stomach acid flows back into the oesophagus or food pipe, causing irritation.

Acidity brings a burning sensation to the chest and stomach area and causes indigestion, burps, difficulty swallowing, nausea, bad breath, constipation, etc. Some common reasons for acidity are overeating, eating at odd times, skipping meals, getting less sleep, smoking, alcoholism, an unhealthy lifestyle, eating too much oily, spicy, or junk food, and having stomach ailments like ulcers or Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). 

How to cure acidity problems at home

Acidity is a common issue, and some simple remedies can be effective for its home treatment.

1. Eat slowly and on breaks.
If you face acidity, indigestion, and stomach problems regularly, eating slowly or consuming less at a time can be effective. Having small meals can help with digestion and will be a natural change for your acidity problems.

2. Stop smoking and consuming alcohol.
Smoking and alcohol can never be good, not even for entertainment purposes. Quitting smoking and drinking can bring tremendous change to your lifestyle and health problems, solving every digestive issue.

3. Medication
Some of your medicines might contain alendronate, ibandronate, or risedronate, which irritate the oesophagus and cause acidity. Check your medications if acidity and indigestion are regular problems you face.

4. Sound sleep
Having a sound and peaceful sleep will solve problems more than you can imagine. Sleep deprivation, irregular sleep schedules, and incorrect sleeping positions can all make matters worse.Sleep in an inclined position at the right time for a good number of hours to get relief from many health problems.

5. Weight management
If your doctor advises you to lose some weight, do not ignore it. Heavyweight causes acidity and heartburn by spreading the muscular structure, which supports the lower esophageal sphincter. Managing your weight to a limit will help you lead a healthy lifestyle.

6. Avoid certain food items.
You should avoid foods that are preserved, processed, or high in carbohydrates.Food items like minds, fatty foods, spicy foods, onions, garlic, tea, coffee, tomatoes, etc. increase the acid level and irritate.

Along with the remedies, you need to make a change in your diet with certain additions and eliminations. Although the list is endless, here are some of the best additions.
1. Water
The most common, simple, and essential ingredient is water. The most important nutrient in the body is not only necessary, but it can also perform miracles. Drinking plenty of water can help cure acidity naturally. Having lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning and at bedtime can help boost digestion.

2. Aloe vera juice
Aloe vera is a trending ingredient for face packs, hair packs, beauty essentials, and whatnot. But we should not miss the medicinal properties it carries. Aloe vera juice cools down the body and cuts back on the acid level to provide quick relief from acidity. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties and vitamins, aloe vera juice helps clean the gut and make it healthy.

3. Basil leaves (tulsi)
The holy plant of basil is not only used for religious purposes; the benefits it carries are also highly effective. Because of the mucous production it carries, chewing some basil leaves during acidity provides immediate relief.

4. Fennel (शॉफ)
When restaurants provide fennel right after our meals, we take it without even thinking about the benefits. Fennel prevents conjunctivitis, and congestion, helps control cholesterol, and high blood pressure, and is great for keeping the digestive system healthy. Fennel helps to naturally cure acidity by simply chewing some seeds or drinking some tea in hot water. 

5. Buttermilk (छास)
Apart from the yummy taste of b, it is rich in lactic acid, which can help neutralize the excess acid in the stomach, curing acidity. Buttermilk can also provide immediate relief from painful heartburn. Have some buttermilk with sprinkles of black pepper or a teaspoon of ground coriander leaves for effective results. 

6. Ginger
Ginger, with its anti-inflammatory properties, is a magical ingredient for many health problems. Ginger will not only help prevent acidity and its symptoms, like heartburn, but will also aid digestion. Chewing raw ginger or having ginger tea can provide great relief.

7. Apple cider vinegar
Sometimes acidity is the result of too little stomach acid, and that’s where apple cider vinegar works its magic. It can help soothe the lining of the stomach, providing relief from acidity.

8. Banana
A banana is a magical food item. From bringing taste to smoothies and shakes to being a remedy for health problems, it covers all. Bananas are rich in fiber, potassium, and pectin, which are important for acid production and for creating a smooth passage of stomach content during digestion. Have a banana to cure acidity immediately.

9. Coconut water
Coconut water not only beats the heat but also has great health benefits. It is rich in electrolytes, which balance out acid production and prevent indigestion and acid reflux. Coconut water also contains a lot of fiber, which helps with digestion.

10. Jaggery (गुड़)
The sweet ingredient is a rich source of magnesium, which boosts intestinal muscle strength. Jaggery not only aids digestion and reduces acidity but also improves digestion. Thus, having a small piece of jaggery after meals will help maintain body temperature, cool the stomach, and soothe acid reflux problems.

The bottom line

Acidity is not a disease or a curse; it can be cured with simple methods and techniques, so opting for home remedies could be effective. If the problem is regular and excessive, it is better to visit a medical consultant for better guidance.


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